Quickstart ========== This document will try to present the most of the AIOVault's feature in on place. Installation ------------ :: $ pip install aiovault Initializing the Server ----------------------- :: from aiovault import Vault root = Vault() initial_state = yield from root.initialize() Keep the initial_state! It is where the root and seal are stored:: yield from root.seal.unseal(initial_state) And voila, you server is initialized Enabling audit backends ----------------------- :: yield from root.audit.enable('file', path='/tmp/aiovault.log') Configuring auth backends ------------------------- The process is still the same, as root, enable and configure backend. For example, the ``app-id`` backend:: APP = 'foo' USER = 'BAR' # on the server side backend = yield from root.auth.enable('app-id') yield from backend.write_app(APP, policies=['dummy']) yield from backend.write_user(USER, app=APP) And then, on the client side, you will be able to login with these new credentials:: # on the client side client = Vault() result = yield from client.auth.login('app-id', app=APP, user=USER) Configuring secret backends --------------------------- :: KEY = 'foo' PLAIN_TEXT = 'My taylor is rich' created, backend = yield from root.secret.mount('transit') yield from backend.write_key(KEY) encrypted = yield from backend.encrypt(KEY, PLAIN_TEXT)['ciphertext']